Make a Change
Where in your life are you most wanting and willing to make a change? A Dray executive coach can help you set larger, more rewarding goals and develop strategies to achieve them. We'll support you through the entire process!
Coaches Resources
Question: Are you satisfied with your personal and professional life?
Answer: Dray challenges corporate leaders to create more fulfilling and productive lives.
Assessment Tools
Are you Coachable?
Are you a good candidate for coaching? Will you benefit from coaching? Are you coachable? Take this short quiz and find out!
Personal Assessment Wheel
Measure your current level of satisfaction in nine major areas of life. As you work through this exercise, you'll discover areas where you're able to celebrate the success you've created as well as areas where you may want to improve your level of satisfaction.
Professional Assessment Wheel
Explore your professional life more deeply by measuring your current level of satisfaction in eight areas related to your career.
Our Favorite Books
Find out what Ann's reading by visiting her Reading List on LinkedIn.